The Power The Secret Rhonda Byrne 8601416203782 Books

The Power The Secret Rhonda Byrne 8601416203782 Books
If you just give it a try and follow easy instructions, your life will never ever be the same again. In fact , after you read, you will not recognize your self. You will get your health back. Your goals done and never ever struggle with anything again. It will show you step by step instructions for 28 days . After you done, you will just want to make it part of your life. If it seems to good to be true, just give it a shot and I can assure you will not regret . Worth every penny your are going to invest. I bought a few hundreds of books and read a lot. But it is the first time I am leaving feedback. Thanks for your invaluable time for reading my review.
Tags : The Power (The Secret) [Rhonda Byrne] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <em>The Secret</em> revealed the law of attraction. Now Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest power in the universe -- the power to have anything you want.<br /> <br /> In this book you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships,Rhonda Byrne,The Power (The Secret),Atria Books,1439181780,Inspiration & Personal Growth,New Thought,Control (Psychology),Control (Psychology).,Control;Psychological aspects.,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Inspiration & Personal Growth,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT New Thought,Body, Mind & Spirit,Body, Mind & SpiritNew Thought,GENERAL,General Adult,InspirationalDevotional,Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice,Monograph Series, any,NEW AGE MOVEMENT,New Age,New Age Body, Mind & Spirit,Non-Fiction,PERSONAL GUIDANCE,Ronda Byrn; ronda burn; The Secret; law of attraction; books that change lives; secret to success; multiply your wealth; the real Secret; the power to change; laws of attraction; life-changing;,SELF-HELP Motivational & Inspirational,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success,Self Help,The Secret; law of attraction; Ronda Byrn; ronda burn; books that change lives; secret to success; multiply your wealth; the real Secret; the power to change; laws of attraction; life-changing,United States,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Inspiration & Personal Growth,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT New Thought,Body, Mind & SpiritNew Thought,SELF-HELP Motivational & Inspirational,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success,New Age Body, Mind & Spirit,New Age Movement,Personal Guidance,Body, Mind & Spirit,New Age,Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice
The Power The Secret Rhonda Byrne 8601416203782 Books Reviews
At first I was unsure of this book as it felt a little too one dimensional in its philosophy. As I continued reading I’ve found several little inspiring nuggets that I reread often. If you’re someone new to changing your negative outlook into a positive outlook, this book can be a quick reference for daily inspiration.
I'm stunned this isn't as well known as The Secret because it's about 10 times better. The secret is like an intro, and I only skimmed it having already been well aware of the material she was discussing as well as having a better understanding than what I though the book was sharing. This book however, is so much better. It really leaves an impression. I started reading it but then got the audio version because I love hearing it as I feel that really makes a better impression on me to practice it constantly. And I really LOVE this book. It's so much better than the Secret and it really is the key. If more of this had been incorporated in the Secret I think those readers really would have gotten more out of it then this would have been more of a hit rather than seemingly far less know than her first book.This one really does have the answers. The Secret really didn't.. So this one is far better by leaps and bounds and really leaves you in a positive feeling state to be grateful and feel love for so many things.
I came across the idea of the law of attraction many years before I ever heard of The Secret of The Power. At that time in my life I wasn't ready for the message. It wasn't until this year when I was finally ready to receive the thought changing ideas from the trilogy. I have begun to apply the methods to my life and in a few weeks I have noticed my improved health, more energy, greater happiness in my life.
Sometimes, a person is at a point in their life that the only choices they have is commit suicide or decide to change things for the better. So I made myself take the time to read The Secret and The Power and begin to apply the principles on the belief that I can manifest the positive side of the Law of Atraction.
It's working so far. I have noticed the positive changes.
Ok, before I talk about the book I feel I must share something. I just returned from a full weekend conference given by Hayhouse where their most prominent authors gave lectures, usually about two hours long. All of them write in the self-improvement or new age genres and so all of them were inspiring and uplifting. The thing is, there was SO much information given to me at one time...and so much of it would slightly contradict what the previous author had said...that I left unsure how much I had even absorbed. It wasn't until I returned home that "The Power" popped back into my head and that's when I realized just how valuable a book it really is.
"The Secret" absolutely talks about our feelings being even more significant than our thoughts or words when it comes to attracting the experiences we want. It's in "The Power", though that this is examined even further. For those who don't know, this "power" the author refers to is love )
When I first picked up the book, I scoffed. You see, I had read and watched "The Secret" years ago when it first came out (ok, I think it was like five years ago...let's not be that dramatic). And while I absolutely loved it, I didn't experience the best results. I also started getting tired of constantly affirming and focusing on just became exhausting. So when I stumbled upon this new book in B&N (sorry ), I thought, "well, here we go again." So I turned to a random page...and forever whatever reason, I was hooked.
I don't know why I didn't understand the whole "feeling" portion of "The Secret" because they DO absolutey cover it...but "The Power" really drills this into your mind. What I love about this book is that the author keeps the concepts very simple and then uses the bulk of the book to give you examples that I personally found incredibly inspiring. The basic concept is that everything in the Universe is either positive or or lack of love...light or dark. If you want to attract more positive things than negative things, all you have to do is tip the scale of your FEELINGS more to the positive side than the negative side. That's it! (and for anybody who just thought, "what do you mean THAT's IT"...careful...because that's negative ;)
Feelings are REALLY important when working with manifestation and I will tell you why. No matter what it is you want or desire...I really don't care what it is...the ONLY reason that you want to bring that into your life is because you believe you will FEEL better once you have it. Period and end of story. The heart is a huge magnet in the body and the frequency it sends out is POWERFUL!!! So if you want those things that will bring you happiness tomorrow, you must think of them from a loving, joyful place TODAY!!!
Better yet, you don't even have to "manifest" things, per say. Instead, you can simply practice falling in love with everything that is around you NOW. When you see something you love, you can feel happiness deep within your heart for that moment and then let it go. Just don't be surprised if that certain something keeps showing up in your life ;) The bottom line is that whatever emotion starts your day will most likely snowball and that's the emotion that will attract the experience you refer to as your future. So even if you aren't working on manifesting specific things, you can instead use the concepts taught in "The Power" simply to discipline yourself into attracting happier experiences, in general. Interestingly enough, some of the most successful people in this world didn't start out saying they wanted to be famous or make a million dollars. Instead, they just went about life with an open heart and asked themselves how they could help other people be happy. So keeping your heart open and acting from love can STILL bring you the things many people dream about, but without obsessing about manifestion.
One concept that I LOVE in this book is that it's impossible to feel bad in the exact moment you are having a good thought. When I first read this I laughed and rolled my eyes and then made a sincere effort to prove the author wrong...and I couldn't do it!!! The moment I could make myself feel bad, I had already changed my good thought into a bad one. So I continued the experiment the next day and you would have been amazed if you saw what happened. Literally one amazing and happy event and interaction with people was followed by another and another and another! A presentation that I had been anxious about the day before went WAY better than I could have EVER anticipated. My teachers (I was in a yoga teacher training) had given literally everybody else notes and yet after I gave my teaching presentation (after hours of ONLY thinking positive thoughts) they said, "wow...that was, we really don't have any notes for you at all." As I was smiling ear to ear, another student said, "well, nobody's going to want to go after THAT." (and mind you, there was nothing out of the ordinary spectacular about the presentation other than my heart was wide open both before and during!)
As far as criticism is concerned...well, this book is about love and the power behind it. So really, the people who criticize it are simply proving the concepts of the book to be true. If you think, "this book is stupid...all these books are the same....what a bunch of've got to be kidding me..." well, all of those thoughts are followed with negative feelings and so people who think and FEEL that will be attracting plenty of negative experiences, hence writing a negative review. So in my experience, it couldn't be a problem with the book but rather how disciplined the reader is in applying the concepts CONSISTENTLY in their daily life. Are they really starting their day with meditation and getting in the most amazing, joyful state before starting their day? When they visualize their dreams are they just seeing pictures or are they adding the emotions on top of the pictures? If something unexpected happens...traffic jam, spilled coffee, long line at the grocery store (all a result of PAST feelings, by the way)...are they able to stay either neutral...or better yet, positive despite what is in front of their eyes?
It does take discipline to apply the principles in the book, but the GREAT news is that it feels AMAZING at the same time! Why? Because LOVE feels AMAZING!!! As "A Course in Miracles" says everything in the Universe is either an Act of Love or a Call for Love. When you learn to make everything you do an act of love, you will attract more and more of it into your life, in ways you could least expect )
I recommend this book SOOOOO highly (I mean, clearly)!!! And while I love all of the other authors out there and think that it's great to hear many differnt perspectives, the bottom line is that love is truly what makes the world go round. So if you want to read a million books, make sure this is one of them. And if you only want to read one book this holiday season, buy "The Power"!!!!
Thank you, Rhonda rock my world.
I have read all of Rhonda Byrne's books and I Love this book the most. When I finished it I couldn't wait to read it again (which I am currently doing). I have always been a "feelings" type of person. In everything I do I have a "feeling" associated w/it. I couldn't watch Simple things like some reality TV because it made me feel uneasy and bad. I would cry on cartoons and even commercials because I was so happy or I could "feel" the love. So I just labeled myself as sensitive. But reading the Power has helped me to understand, harness and use all of those "feelings" to better my life through gratitude and love. I am one of those people who believe in fairytales and wants everything to be glitter, sprinkles and roses, but of course when you listen to society you conform and believe that this kind of bliss isn't realistic! After reading The Power I have my fairy tale back. I can't stop smiling. So many things have manifested and for me, or turned into a positive situation. Also this book and the others line up with the Bible and actually helped me to understand and apply Gods word and even better! Afterall, Gods number one command is Love and that is what this book is all about!
If you just give it a try and follow easy instructions, your life will never ever be the same again. In fact , after you read, you will not recognize your self. You will get your health back. Your goals done and never ever struggle with anything again. It will show you step by step instructions for 28 days . After you done, you will just want to make it part of your life. If it seems to good to be true, just give it a shot and I can assure you will not regret . Worth every penny your are going to invest. I bought a few hundreds of books and read a lot. But it is the first time I am leaving feedback. Thanks for your invaluable time for reading my review.

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